While the world is striving to attain perfection, I realize the only perfect One took my place, as a perfect sacrifice, on a cross. Through Him my weaknesses are made strong. I'm not afraid to be different, because I AM different. I'm a child of The Most High. I can be imperfect because I am loved by a Perfect God.

Praying for Direction. Lift by Prayer. Working for Peace. Labor by Power. Driven by Love. Love by Patience. Living by Faith. Live by Presence. Held by Hope. Learn by Faith.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Finding a heartbeat

In November I went with a small group to Wichita. It was a group from my church and we were going to see their different ministries and how they run them. Laurie and I were supposed to help out with bus route, and see how the buses/classes run smoothly with several hundred kids in attendance.

First Sunday on the bus!
Saturday morning we met at the church for prayer. We were introduced to Saul and Katrina, imagine my surprise to know that they are both my age and run their own route! For roughly 4 hours, we drove around, walking down streets, stopping houses that people shouldn't be living in,  and visiting with people to come to church on Sunday.
Some kids were very happy to see us.
The children wanted to play hide & seek with us.

 For four hours I was in shock. I've been blessed my entire life! To see these children, and these living conditions...my heart ached.

However, for those four hours I saw so much love. These children squealed with delight when they saw who was at the door. Little children would run to Saul as he knelt down and they would hop right up on his knee. Children would shout "PRAISE JESUS" as they greeted us.

For the first time in my life, I didn't have words to describe what I was seeing/feeling. 
Matthew 19:14 says "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." 

Jeremiah 24:7 says And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; for they shall return unto me with their whole heart."

This has been my prayer. To have a heart that knows God. I desire to have His heartbeat.

So I have been searching. Trying to find my place. Trying to grow in the Lord. Trying to use my talents for Him. Truth is: It hasn't been easy, having a burden and not knowing where to use it. 
Until recently...
Our bus department needed help, temporarily, for a few months. So I agreed to the task. Friday night I went out and met some parents, and saw some of our Sunday School Kids. Knowing about their family lives, and living situations, my heart simply broke. I really didn't know if I could do it. 
Then, Sunday Morning, the first little boy we picked up, Angel, ran to the bus, jumped on, and threw himself in my arms, for the biggest hug. 
Right There.
I was hooked. My heart was stolen. I found the heartbeat. 

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